Ignorance leads to High Risk of Cervical and Breast cancer
26th April 2018 : Cooper Corporation & Onco-Life, a Cancer Centre, Shendre, Satara took an initiative and organized a health drive camp, focusing on cervical cancer and breast cancer detection. This camp did include Full Body check-up, oral examination, Mammography, Papsmear & sonography. In this camp out of 1500 women 14% were detected by breast cancer and cervical cancer.
Cooper corporation has been funding this camp since past 3 years, this year being the largest camp. It was well initiated by Ms. Manisha Cooper & whole heartedly supported by Mr. Farrokh Cooper. Ms. Manisha Cooper personally was present during almost all days of the camp to ensure it went on smoothly.
The incidence of breast cancer is increasing. It occurs nearly 100 times more often in women than in men. Sedentary lifestyle makes one obese and around 60% of those patients with breast cancer are obese. Community-based educational intervention suggests being very productive in clinical breast examination by trained personnel like female health workers.
The development of cervical cancer is due to the first intercourse at early age and multiple sex partners. It is necessary that woman should watch out for symptoms like abnormal bleeding, unusual heavy discharge, pelvic pain, pain during urination and unexpected bleeding as the possible signs for cervical cancer diagnosis.
Mr. Uday Shivajirao Deshmukh said, “Most women are at risk of developing breast cancer. In this camp 30 years and above women were screened and we found breast lump in various women. Most of the cervical cancer detected in Pap smear was due to lack of hygiene. When it comes to treatment post diagnosing it, we are providing MJPJAY , CM FUND and Shiddhivinayak Funds and also in our Hospital cashless/ Mediclaim Facilities are available . So Women should be made aware of the benefits of undergoing regular cervical screening tests. ”
“Women at 65 and above years of age should definitely undergo screening, if they haven’t been screened since the age of 50 years or if they recently had abnormal tests. As the risk of cervical cancer is very low in women who have never had sex & maintain hygiene, women in this category may opt not to have cervical screening.” elaborates Mr. Deshmukh.
“Last year we carried out screening for 1317 women in which 9% were at risk of breast cancer and cervical cancer. Many a times patient who come for a Pap smear test do not come back if the results are positive. As a part of cervical cancer prevention, there is an urgent need for massive awareness program to motivate women to get screened and to enlist the cooperation of their extended family.”